Marketing Translation

Professional and Rigorous Translation Solutions

 Marketing translation solutions

Outstanding literary talent                                           Making a difference                                                     Customer-oriented

Marketing translation aims for the market as its ultimate goal, innovating transcreation. To gain influence, enterprise globalization, marketing plans, and brand wars need to harmonize with local demands and win the hearts of local audiences. That means successful source language text used for branding or marketing in its local market may not succeed in the location of the target language. To solve the problem of marketing and brand building in areas of different local languages, you need outstanding and extraordinary creative translation solutions.

Marketing translation

 An enterprise’s globalization strategy needs invasive and extremely potent marketing plans that can go viral to enable the enterprise to enjoy a market position overseas as powerful as in its domestic market!

Audiences in different countries accept marketing information through different channels and in different ways. Affected by cultural background and regional differences, different audiences accept varying degrees of suggestive language. Hence, you need a creative translation solution that has accurately catered to the needs of your audiences!

Marketing translation includes: business PowerPoints, product promotion materials, leaflet, WeChat public account marketing, Facebook pages, Weibo fan accounts

Brand transcreation

Despite their limited lengths, brand language, slogans, and advertising contain unlimited business opportunities!

You need a creative translation team with business acumen to advise you on how to maintain your well-established and enduring brand images in overseas markets.

Brand transcreation includes: brand creativity, name, story, background, and advertising